At Lansing, we are the center-based program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (DHH).
Our school provides the necessary resources for students with hearing loss who may have hearing, communication, academic, and/or social needs that require individualized instruction. These students are bussed to our location in order to access these resources. These resources include specially-trained Teachers of the Deaf, Audiologists, Sign-Language Interpreters, and peers who are deaf to create a strong deaf community/identity.
Our Lansing DHH Vision Statement
Communication access is a fundamental human right. Every child who is deaf must have full access to all educational services and school sponsored activities using the Total Communication Approach. At Lansing, our students are recognized as individuals first and they will be challenged to maximize their potential in a rigorous environment. The high expectations of our program meet Colorado's academic standards while still considering the individual child's needs and abilities. Children will receive support in an environment where their potential is maximized. The deaf/hard of hearing program focuses on communication, self-advocacy skills, academic support, and school-to-career preparation in a language-rich environment. We provide instruction in each child's preferred communication modality with opportunities to interact directly with their Lansing community and deaf adults. Family involvement is paramount to a child's success and we encourage parent involvement in all aspects of their child's education.